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Gaxon Technologyy News

WhatsApp, the most popular messaging service came up with a new feature “Blue Check Marks” last week. This feature was rolled out in order to let the users know if their messages have been read by the recipients and it also received a warm welcome among users.....
However, there appears to be a privacy concern and many claim it to be annoying to let others know when they have read their messages. Now, it is speculated that WhatsApp will be coming up with an option to disable the double blue check marks.
According to a screenshot shared by beta tester, Ilhan Pektas, there is an option to the users “Disable/Enable Read Receipts” and when it is disabled it will prevent others from knowing when you read their messages.
The screenshot clearly mentions, “If you turn off read receipts, you won’t be able to see read receipts from other people”. However, there is no detail on when exactly this feature will be rolled out to the users.


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